Users can take out a book for however long they like, but they'll only be able to check out one title at a time, and then only one title a month. 对此,现在还有其他一些限制条件:用户借出书籍之后可以随便看多久,但每次只能借一本,每个月只能借一本。
"I feel a little tired, the season has been long but a rich one," said Powell, who started way back in March at the Commonwealth Games where he won the100m title. 他说:“我觉得有点累了,这个赛季很长,但我得到了很大的收获。”鲍威尔曾在今年3月的英联邦运动会上夺得男子百米冠军。
There is no label beside the data entry field, but it has a long description, so the title attribute should be set for this form. 数据输入字段旁没有标签,但有一段长描述,因此应当为此表单设置title属性。
Jethro liked the long title. Jethro很喜欢这个长长的头衔。
The pursuit of next meant I was never anywhere long enough to get a good raise or promotion, and though Id get more money or a better title at my next job, I was always the new girl, never commanding the authority that history can provide. 对新工作的热衷意味着我永远不能获得足够的资历去晋升,虽然另一份工作可能提供更高的薪资或者更好的职位,但我一直都是个新人,从未掌握实权。
Perhaps you'd be willing to take less money as long as you got the title and authority you wanted. 也许你为了得到想要的职位和权力愿意接受报酬少一点。
Brokerage companies shall debit the "long term equity investment-futures membership investment" title and credit the "cash in bank deposit" title byaccording to the actual payments when paying membership fees to obtain membership in the exchange. 经纪公司为取得交易所会员资格而交纳会员资格费时,应按实际支付的款项,借记“长期股权投资--期货会员资格投资”科目,贷记“银行存款”科目。
Everyone was happy with that as long as asset prices kept rising but since they lurched to a halt and then fell, all the financial intermediaries involved-from mortgage brokers and title insurance agents to credit ratings agencies and bond insurers-have come under severe scrutiny. 只要资产价格不断攀升,每个人都感到高兴。但自从这些价格停滞不前,并掉头下行,所有的金融中间人从抵押贷款经纪人、产权保险代理人、信贷评估机构到债券保险商都处于外界的严密审视之下。
Germany has long been braced for the much faster-growing Chinese economy to assume its "world export champion" title. 对于增长更快的中国经济夺取其“全球出口冠军”称号,德国早就有了心理准备。
Li Na was hugely popular in China long before she won Saturday's French Open final, becoming the first Asian tennis player to lift a grand slam singles title. 黎嗯啊在中国非常受欢迎多久,她赢得了周六的法国公开赛决赛,成为首位亚洲网球选手举起一个大满贯单打冠军。
"There's a long way to go yet in the title race, but Sunday's game could be important psychologically," he told MUTV. “争冠之路还长着呢,但周日的比赛将在心里层面起到重要作用,”他告诉曼联电视。
Tough Choices: Leadership is all about the Long Run Before I dive in, I need to set some context by answering some basic questions in title of this talk note. 艰难的选择:领导是处理长期事物的,在我深入之前,我需要设定一些背景,回答这个话题一些基本的问题。
A long theological title has been attached to this experience by the scholars-sanctification. 这一经历被学者赋予了一个长长的神学名字―成圣。
The long title sets out in general terms the purpose of the act. 较长的标题以一般性术语表明法令的目的。
In any case, you should think long and hard about whether you need someone to fill this title, or if your company is fully covered with a CEO and COO. 无论如何,你应该长期或认真的考虑是否需要有人来填补这个位置,或者你的首席执行官和首席运营官已经能够胜任全部的工作。
Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in other respects. 在满足了遵循对封皮改动的限制、文档标题保护等这些条件下,副本在某方面上可以被视同原样复制的副本。
You can place a short title sequence on a longer clip, but you can't place a long title sequence on a short clip. 您可以在较长的剪辑中放置一个短的字幕序列,但是您不能将长字幕序列放置在短的剪辑中。
These defilements are not afraid of anyone, not of rich people, not of influential people, not even of monks ordained for a long time, with a title, are they afraid. 这些烦恼不怕任何人,不怕有钱财的人、有权势的人,甚至出家已久且有德号的僧伽。
Suddenly I have a "don't disturb the friendship" Bowen, a long time has been forgotten, but read has been deleted by me made to friends of the note, the post title and I remember. 忽然想起有人发过一篇《不要惊动友谊》的博文,时间久了内容已经忘却,但是读到已被我删除的好友发来的纸条,那篇博文的标题又被我记起来。
You don't need to invent something on the spot as long as you can provide a good explanation for the title you choose. 只要你能很好的解释你引用的标题,你就大可不必去苦思冥想用什么标题。
As long as the retention of title applies any of the Parties shall be authorised to have unhindered access to the Equipment. 只要所有权保留申请其中任一个党将被批准有不受妨碍访问对设备。
For a long time, due to the strong subjective operability of the operating title of the Office ( Word, Excel, and PowerPoint), its more accurate automatic scoring has been a problem. 长期以来,由于Office(Word、Excel和PowerPoint)操作题的主观操作性较强,对其进行较为准确的自动评分一直是一个难题。
During a long period of time, the captain is a title, enjoys the greatest honor, not only needs to directly operate ship, but also have the leadership responsibility for the management and business of ships. 在久远的时期,船长是一种封号,享有莫大的荣誉,不仅需要直接操作船舶,还对船舶的管理和营运负有直接领导责任。
Note: The title of paper might be too long, so instead of "Dalian Wisdom Education Investment Management Co., Ltd.", I take" Dalian Wisdom Company "for short in the paper, especially the title and header. 注:由于本论文题目过长,故凡涉及题目、对应英文翻译与页眉等处,均将大连伟世教育投资管理有限公司简写为大连伟世公司。